How to add Quotation Marks within a string in Java? Quotation marks are used in Java to enclose the content within a string. Quotation marks are of two types: single quotation marks and double quotation marks. The below examples show samples of how to add quotation marks within a string in Java programming language.
A string is a group of characters in Java that are encapsulated in double quotations (""). However, you can run into problems if you need to insert quote marks within the string itself because Java might read them as the string's end. You need to utilise escape characters in Java if you want to incorporate quote marks in a string. In this tutorial, we'll look at using escape characters to add single and double quote marks to a string in Java. You will have a thorough understanding of how to incorporate quote marks in a string in Java by the end of this tutorial, which can be a helpful ability in your programming activities.
In Java, you can use two characters to enclose a string: the single quote character (') and double quote character (").
For example:
String str = 'First Name';
This statement creates a variable called str and assigns it the value of First Name. You can also use these characters within another string like this:
String firstName = "John";
Quotation marks are used to enclose a character, or a group of characters, that is not part of the program itself. Quotation marks can also be used to surround text that is not part of the program itself.
In Java programming language, we use single quotes (') for defining string literals and double quotes ("") for defining character literals. The difference between these two types of quotes is as follows:
● Single Quotes - Used for defining String Literals only like "Hello World".
● Double Quotes - Used for defining Character Literals only like 'H'
Quotation marks are used to define the start and end of strings, character arrays and comments in Java.
Strings are objects that contain characters or symbols. A string can be defined as:
`str = "string_text"`
where `str` is the name of your string object, which contains text, while `'string_text'` is its content. When you want to display this text on screen or
print it out (using System.out), we need quotation marks around it so that Java knows where our string begins and ends! If we don't use any quotation marks then our code won't compile because there will be no way for Java know where our actual string starts/ends; instead it would see everything after those opening quotes as being part of another variable name like so: var str = ""; // This will not work!!
There are two types of quotation marks in Java: single and double. The single quotation mark (') is used to enclose a character, while the double quotation mark ("") is used to enclose a string. For example, you can use 'a' or "abcd".
A backslash (\), also known as an escape character, is used to escape characters when you want them treated as literals rather than special characters. For
example, if we want our string "foo\bar" interpreted literally instead of being parsed as foo followed by bar , we would write it like this: "foo\\bar". This also applies inside strings; if we wanted to include another backslash inside our string without escaping it first with another backslash (which would change its meaning), then we could write something like this: "This line contains two backslashes."
In order to add quotation marks within a string in Java, you need to use the following code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class QuotationMarksInString {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(; // Get the input from user System.out.print("Enter your name:"); String name = sc.nextLine(); // Display results on console System.out.println("Your Name is: " + name);
To add a single quotation within a string, you can use the ' character. The ' is used to quote a word or phrase. For example:
String str = "This is a string";
str += "'This' is also a string";
The syntax for adding double quotation marks within a string in Java is as follows:
String quote = "\"";
String quote2 = "\"";
System.out.println(quote); // Output: “\""
System.out.println(quote2); // Output: “"
In this article, we discussed how to add quotation marks within a string in Java. The String class provides methods for adding quotation marks within a string:
● replace() - replaces all instances of a character or substring with another value
● format() - formats the given object into a String representation using either simple or detailed formatter conventions
● substring() - extracts the characters from this String beginning at the specified index through its end; if length is negative, it extracts characters from this String beginning at index position length (or just past end) and going toward positive infinity; if start is greater than end then no exception will be thrown but instead there will be no effect on this object's contents as though nothing happened; if start exceeds end then an IndexOutOfBoundsException will occur at runtime when such code executes
● trim() - removes leading and trailing whitespace from this String
In this article, we have discussed how to add quotation marks within a string in Java. We have also discussed are different types of quotation marks in Java and their importance. The take away from the article is that you should always use double quotation mark (") for string literals and single quotation mark (') for character literals as they don't need any special treatment when it comes to adding them within strings